Double Doors | Transom | Sidelites

This section is still under construction. It takes an incredible amount of effort to capture the craftsmanship and process behind building a custom door. We are building more video and testimonial content and will be updating weekly. We are the premier solid wood door builder in New England. Our content will match that sentiment.

We’ve had some very creative customers and we are looking forward to sharing their content. Handcrafted products using Local Vendors and resources, we are focused on delivering the highest quality product in the US. Doors are our passion. Hardwoods and Softwoods of all kinds available. From Dutch doors to Barn doors or Entry doors with custom sidelites and transom’s, we do it all.

Don’t be fooled by competitors selling “solid” doors that are just MDF core with a veneer. Take a look at the end grain and compare to the face grain…. start looking around. A surprising number of the “top” door builders are building doors like countertops, with no skill or craftsmanship and a complete lack of respect for the craft…